Parent corner: "How long will my child be in speech therapy?"

Parents often ask, "How long will my child be in therapy?" While there is no concrete answer, we do encourage parents/caregivers to be actively involved during the client's therapy sessions. The duration of the therapy sessions will be at discretion of the SLP's plan of care and/or other factors. Every client who receives therapy is unique and the SLP will evaluate and create a plan of care tailored to their individual needs.

Therapy time

Typically a client may be seen once or twice a week possibly thirty minutes to an hour long. Attendance is a key factor in progress. Poor attendance may result in lack of progress towards goals. We highly encourage our parents/caregivers to actively participate during the clients sessions even if it's during the last five minutes. Participation in a home carryover program designed by the SLP can directly impact the clients progress.

Every session, over time the SLP will document and monitor progress or any significant changes to suit their clients needs. Re- evaluations take place every six months and every three years though the school system. Closely monitoring the clients response to therapy allows the SLP to document any changes, progress, or lack there of. Attendance and participation are crucial for successful therapy sessions.

If you or someone you know needs the services of a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist, please be sure to discuss your concerns with a physician, a speech-language pathologist, or another qualified provider. You can also find a provider through the ASHA ProFind service or visit us at for more information. NOTE: This article is intended only as a general source of information, i.e, it is not intended to replace information given to you by a qualified health professional that is familiar with your particular circumstances. Lastly, if you have an urgent medical need, please seek immediate medical attention.

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