Parent corner: "How long will my child be in speech therapy?"
Parents often ask, "How long will my child be in therapy?" While there is no concrete answer, we do encourage parents/caregivers to be actively involved during the client's therapy sessions. The duration of the therapy sessions will be at discretion of the SLP's plan of care and/or other factors. Every client who receives therapy is unique and the SLP will evaluate and create a plan of care tailored to their individual needs.
Therapy time
Typically a client may be seen once or twice a week possibly thirty minutes to an hour long. Attendance is a key factor in progress. Poor attendance may result in lack of progress towards goals. We highly encourage our parents/caregivers to actively participate during the clients sessions even if it's during the last five minutes. Participation in a home carryover program designed by the SLP can directly impact the clients progress.
If you or someone you know needs the services of a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist, please be sure to discuss your concerns with a physician, a speech-language pathologist, or another qualified provider. You can also find a provider through the ASHA ProFind service or visit us at for more information. NOTE: This article is intended only as a general source of information, i.e, it is not intended to replace information given to you by a qualified health professional that is familiar with your particular circumstances. Lastly, if you have an urgent medical need, please seek immediate medical attention.