Parent Corner: Reading books with your child

In a world full of ever-changing technology, books are everlasting. Can you think of the last time you read a book in your childhood? Interesting storylines, colorful illustrations, dazzling pages, never judging any book by it's cover; you were hooked.

Follow these tips to make story time unforgettable with you child:
  • Establish a time of day or night to read 
  • Let your child choose the book they would like to read
  • Sit next to your child or have them sit in your lap to flip through the pages together
  • Change your tone as you read the story
  • Point to illustrations and pause to discuss them
  • Ask questions about characters, setting, plot, etc..
  • Read daily or nightly to establish reading as a routine

Reading is fun and beneficial to your child. While you read together this will help expand your child speech and language skills. Healthy habits start with you, the parent or caregiver. Flip the pages to start a new adventure! 

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